A series of conferences and gatherings hosted by Downeast Conservation Network to promote communication and collaboration opportunities among conservation researchers, educators, practitioners, and managers in Hancock and Washington Counties, Maine.

The Economic and Biodiversity Values
of Conservation in Downeast Maine
Held Friday, November 2, 9:00 – 3:00 at Schoodic Institute in Winter Harbor, Maine
Generously sponsored by the Davis Conservation Fund, Elmina B. Sewall Foundation, and the Healthy Watersheds Consortium Grant Program.
The 2018 Convergence provided the opportunity for attendees to learn about and explore two new tools developed by DCN and partners – “The Value of Conserved Lands in Downeast Maine” economic study and the Biodiversity Resiliency Mapping Program.
Economic Breakout Groups
For more information contact [email protected]
Past Years
History and Potential of Landscape Conservation in Downeast Region – Viewpoints From Across the Communities of the Region

Sustainability: Planning to Protect Downeast Resources and Communities over the Long Term
held Thursday October 8th 2015 at Schoodic Institute in Winter Harbor.
Generously sponsored by Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park and the Maine Community Foundation.
Land and Water: the Conservation Connection
held Thursday 2 October 2014 at Schoodic Institute on the Schoodic Education and Research Center (SERC) Campus in Acadia National Park in Winter Harbor.
Generously sponsored by Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park and the Maine Community Foundation.
Landscape-Level Conservation in Down East Maine: Collaborating for Strategic Effectiveness
held 23 October 2013 at Schoodic Education and Research Center (SERC), Winter Harbor, Maine.
Generously sponsored by Frenchman Bay Conservancy and the Maine Community Foundation, Elmina B. Sewall Foundation, and Davis Conservation Foundation.
Speakers’ Presentations
- Welcome, Barbara Arter, Director of DEREN
- James Levitt, Director of the Program on Conservation Innovation, Harvard Forest
- Bill Labich, Regional Conservation Partnership Network, Highstead, Redding CT
- Panel Discussion: Local Landscape Level Conservation with Regional Land Trusts
- Andrew Cutko, Ecologist, Maine Natural Areas Program, ME Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
- Joshua Royte, Conservation Planner, the Maine Chapter of The Nature Conservancy
- Mark Berry, Executive Director, Downeast lakes Land Trust (PPT is not available. For more information please click here.)
The Value of Conservation in Down East Maine
held Friday 8 June 2012 College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine
Conference Presentations:
- Jessica Sargent, The Trust for Public Land:
Return On the Investment in Land for Maine’s Future: Implications for the Down East Region - David Vail, Bowdoin College:
Spreading Prosperity to all of Maine- Protected Lands and Sustainable Tourism - Davis Taylor, College of the Atlantic:
Reflections of Rural Maine: Economic, Social, and Demographic Trends in the Upper Union River Watershed - Kevin Athearn, University of Maine at Machias:
Regional Economic Losses from Pollution Closure of Clam Harvesting Areas in Machias Bay - Rob Lilieholm, University of Maine:
Alternative Futures Modeling: Understanding the Past, Envisioning the Future

June 17, 2011 UMM, Machias, ME
Down East Research, Education, and Conservation Roundtable
August 23, 2010